Election Process

What is Election??🤔

When we first think of election we think of polititians trying to fix roads just to gain votes. What are the words that come to our mind: votes, polititians, new Government, new Prime Ministers, new Chief Miniseters and corruption. But when we seriously think of it election is basically an selection of a new Government in a particular area. It might be a country, city, state, village and there are even elections held in groups, cults and societies. Election takes part in a democracy where the people choose their own leader. Usually there is a person standing for a respective postition representing a particular party. The selection is done through a voting process and the person/party with the most votes takes the position.

How does the process start?

We need a new government

Well, whether it be a country, state or even a village. Everyone at some point requires a new government. After a period of time according to the formalities, a new election needs to take place. Sometimes the leaders are hated, sometimes they are loved. Sometimes if the leader is dead or isn't doing their duties properly they are removed. Depends on the position, if there is a big position a new election takes place, if there is a small position, the deputy and the next worthy ones are chosen. For the prime minister position in India, the time period is 5 years.

Let's start

Now when the new elections take place, there needs to be proper systems placed. For the country's government's election, the voting systems are placed and the proper arrangements are made in all the states for the election process to take place. There are separate election commities and the Governor and the CM of the state also ensure that the election camps are properly organised. There are a lot of election camps in landmark locations, so that everyone can come and vote.

Time to campaign

Once the new elections are declared, parties' representatives campaign in their particular areas. They make promises, explain to people why they should vote for them. They tell what will happen if they vote for them, what changes will they make. This process is caleed campaigning. Politians go to different places, fix roads and help people. Even parties campaign. The more you campaig, the more likely it is that people will vote for you.


Let the voting begin!!

This is the judgement day. People have to follow the Universal Adult Franchise to do voting, which basically states that all above 18 years old can vote. There are voting camps organised where there are voting booths. In the voting booths, there are voting machines, where there are party names and people can press the button to vote. Then they are given a mark on the finger.

Every vote counts

After the voting process, the votes are counted of each candidate and each party. The people who count votes are called tellers. The party votes change are shows in the news and media. When the vote counting is finalised, sometimes there are parties which join to become the ruling party. This is known as coalition party. The ruling party is the party with the most votes.

Position Time!!!!

The ruling party chooses it's Prime Minister and the ministers for the other departments. There is a proper oath ceremony planned where the Prime Minister takes the oath and officialy becomes the chief minister of our country.

Thank You